Sharia YouTube bans David Wood video on Muslim persecution of Christians as “hate speech”
You can view the video that YouTube banned here.
As noted many times here, “hate speech” is not, contrary to the assumption of indoctrinated college students everywhere, a readily identifiable category. It is a subjective term that is used by the powerful to silence the powerless. The powers behind YouTube don’t want you to know about the Islamic persecution of Christians. Thus it is “hate speech” and must be banned.
As this continues, the freedom of society itself will be threatened. Once the social media giants can silence people unchallenged, they can wield absolute power, for who will have a platform to challenge them, even the President of the United States?
I warned about all this in my book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies). But that book was, of course, “hate speech.”