About Dr. Henry A. Fischer

President and CEO
Dr. Fischer believes that the United States should be the leading exporter of “Peace and Freedom” throughout the world, for peace without freedom should never be allowed to happen to the citizens of this great nation. Having attended Michigan State University, University of Florida and University of Maryland, Dr. Fischer holds degrees in Psychology, Chemistry, and Biology.
Dr. Henry A. Fischer is the current President and CEO of the American Security Council Foundation, having been elected to this position in 2002. Dr. Fischer has been on the ASCF Board of Directors for 25 years and is not related nor does he have any business relationships with former ASCF President John Fisher.
Dr. Fischer is the President of Henry Fischer and Sons, LLC, a mining, land development, and heavy equipment company. He also owns Henry Fischer and Sons Leasing, a trucking company and Terrace Hill Vineyard. Dr. Fischer is a life member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, past President of the North Indian River County Republican Club, and past President of the Indian River Shriners Club. Dr. Fischer has been presented with both the American Legion Award of Merit and is a recipient of the “Peace Through Strength” Victory Leadership Award.