About the ASCF

What does the American Security Council Foundation do?

The American Security Council Foundation (ASCF) is an educational, non-partisan, non-profit 501 (c)(3)

Since 1958 the American Security Council Foundation's (ASCF) mission has been to protect American freedoms and values by promoting public awareness of national security, economic security, and moral leadership through a strategy of Peace through Strength.

The ASCF supports activities and programs that promote our mission statement. These include our podcasts, articles, newsletters, luncheons, and seminars to disseminate our mission statement.

The ASCF has a program called "American History Live" which is a unique, interactive way to educate, engage and help students retain American history and civics. This program is meant to reach K-12th grade.

The ASCF's "Assignment Blue" is an interactive program to teach K-2nd graders about Kids and Community. Officer Frederick and Officer Alice teach kids about the police officer's role in the community as well as the role they play as good citizens. In addition their are special lesson to prepare students for safety drills.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, financial contributions to our on-going mission are tax deductible.

History of the ASCF

President Ronald Reagan presents the Gold Eagle award for Silencing Communism to Dr. Henry A. Fischer, President of ASCFPresident Ronald Reagan presents the Gold Eagle award for Silencing Communism to Dr. Henry A. Fischer, President of ASCF

Throughout the last decade, the ASCF has had a profound impact on foreign policy and national security. ASCF initiated and led the bi-partisan “Coalition of Peace through Strength,” which had 168 national organizations where members, including then Governor Ronald Reagan. President Reagan would later give ASCF's current President, Dr. Henry Fischer (see pictures to the left), a gold eagle pin recognizing ASCF's strategy for Peace through Strength. President Reagan adopted this winning policy, which, along with the Coalition’s influence in Congress, helped end the cold war.

The ASCF's Senate Concurrent Resolution 15 outlined the principles and goals of the national security strategy for Peace Through Strength.


The ASCF and the Coalition for Peace through Strength went on to advocate successfully for energy independence with the support of Congress.

Benjamin Franklin Waving Background

For the last several years, ASCF has conceived and nurtured an interactive, real-time historical character with voice-over actors to educate, engage and help students retain American history and civics. The project is now called "American History Live."

The ASCF has done and continues to do important work to ensure that we remain the greatest country on earth. Future generations depend on those of us that have experienced the challenges to world peace and direct threats of our country. Our desire is for our activities and programs to inspire a love for the United States and its freedoms.

Our freedoms and strengths make us a target toward authoritarian regimes that suppress their people. If Americans do not understand the value of good citizenship and patriotism by being taught the foundations of our country then the United States is in jeopardy of unraveling.

Early Years of the American Security Council

From inception; the Foundation has produced at least one journal on a quarterly basis. It started as the Washington Report and changed names over the years. At one point, the Foundation produced two journals, The National Security Report. These types of journals were written and produced by retired and former military officials, State Department officers, and scholars in their respective areas.

During the 1950’s and 60’s these articles were considered well targeted and researched opinions and statements. They were reproduced in local papers and private industries’ publications as well as inserted in the Congressional Record. President Kennedy used the thesis of the article “Declaration of Contraband” to draft policy during the Cuba Missile Crisis in 1962. President Ronald Reagan was a subscriber and usually read issues from front to back.

Every issue was published and sent to Congress, military officials, business executives, and the average citizens to map out the path to “Peace Through Strength,” Senators and Congressmen from both sides of the aisle read the copies sent to their offices, many joined the Foundation and supported legislation crafted at the Foundation. The mandate was to make America a leader in military preparedness, moral leadership abroad (foreign policy), and economic development. Drawing from the capitalistic values of the American way of life and strong moral fiber of the American people, the journal aimed to educate the country on the real threat of Communism and explained how to achieve victory.

In classrooms around America, teachers used the articles as readers in an attempt to teach reading and history, and to explain to children why they must learn about Air Raid Drills.

A lot has changed since the Cold War era, but the one thing that remains is that “Peace Through Strength” works. In a time where U.S. Military troops are fighting overseas, and over a decade after the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, the looming threat of terrorism is still very real, America needs to be vigilant. Democracy and freedom need to be defended with the best information, well thought arguments, and open debate that the American Security Council Foundation provides.
